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Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

English Speech

Title            : Global Financial Crisis
Theme        : Economy

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
Good morning / Good noon / Good afternoon, Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all let’s pray to Alloh SWT who has given us health and happiness, so that we can get here together. Sholawat and salam may be sent to our prophet Muhammad SAW for his family, his friend and especially for us.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I would like to convey a speech about Global Financial Crisis. As we know that nowsday almost of the world are being knocked over global economic crisis included our country, Indonesia. Many of the banks were liquidated by government and ofcourse all of the bank client were lost their money.

This situation is not only occurred in our country but it also became something terrible all over the world. Many of bank clients are very worry about it. They afraid that their money will loss at call. Because of that many bank clients who withdraw their money and used them for other business, such as build restaurant, mini market and so on.

Happy attendances
The economy situation today is not conducive. Therefore, the president of Indonesia, SBY says in his speech “We have to protect our country inside as well as outside in order the society feel secure and comfortable”. The president conveys the speech at audience with mass media about ‘Century Bank Corruption’.

Ladies and gentlemen
Because of the reasons above, we must take care our money saving incase there occurred Global Financial Crisis in our region. Don’t moo and don’t panic to face this situation.
And let’s pray to Alloh in order our country kept and save from Global Financial Crisis.

Happy attendees
I think enough and that’s all my speech. Thank you so much for you attention.

Wassalamu’alikum wr.wb

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