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Rabu, 13 Maret 2019

Surat Undangan TOURNAMEN VOLLY 2019

                                                              TOURNAMEN BOLA VOLLY PUTRA - PUTRI
“SSC Cup”Antar SD/M
OSIS MTs Sabilissalam
Tahun 2019

Alamat: Jl. Sukadana Km. 03 Ds. PusakanagaraKec. Baregbeg Kab. Ciamis Jawa Barat 46274

Tlp. (0265) 7579827 E-mail OSIS:

E-Mail MTs: Web Site:


Nomor             : 011/OSIS-SBL/II/2019                                                                    27 Februari 2019
Lampiran         : 1 Berkas
Perihal             : Pemberitahuan dan Undangan Kegiatan

Yth. Kepala SD/MI
Se Kecamatan Baregbeg-Cijeungjing

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
Teriring salam dan do’a semoga Bapak/Ibu senantiasa berada dalam lindungan Allah SWT, sehingga dapat menjalankan aktifitas dengan lancar. Amin.

Bersama ini kami sampaikan bahwa OSIS MTs Sabilissalam bermaksud melaksanakan  kegiatan Tournamen Bola Volly Putra – Putri “SSC Cup”Antar SD/MI yang insya Alloh akan dilaksanakan pada:

Hari            : Sabtu - Minggu
Tanggal      : 30 - 31 Maret 2019
Waktu        : Pukul 08.00 s/d Selesai
Tempat       : Lapangan Bola Volly MTs.Sabilissalam

Besar harapan kami, sekolah Bapak/Ibu dapat berpartisipasi mengikuti kegiatan tersebut.

Demikian undangan ini kami sampaikan, atas perhatian dan partisipasi Bapak/Ibu, kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Billahittaufiq wal hidayah,Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb.



Panitia Kegiatan


Koordinator Pelaksana,


Lampiran Surat Nomor: 011/OSIS-SBL/II/2019

A.  Pendaftaran
·       Biaya pendaftaran                     : GRATIS
·       Hari dan tanggal pendaftaran    : Mulai beredarnya undangan s/d kamis tgl 28 Maret 2019
·       Tempat                                       Sekretariat MTs Sabilissalam
·       Pendaftaran bisa  melalui telepon
  Undang Hendrayana, S.Pd    : 0857 9518 6228
  Didin Wahyudin, S.Pd           : 0813 2299 9770
·        Registrasi pendaftaran              Paling Lambat Saat Techinical Meeting

B.  Techinical Meeting
·       Hari tanggal                               Jum’at  29 Maret 2019
·       Waktu                                        : Pukul 13.30 WIB.  s/d selsai.
·       Tempat                                       Kampus MTs Sabilissalam
·       Catatan                                      Official /yang mewakili harus hadir saat Techinical meeting 
 Sekaligus registrasi dan pengambilan nomor undian

C.  Hadiah
·    Juara I                                        Thropy dan uang Pembinaan
·    Juara II                                      Thropy dan uang Pembinaan
·    Juara III                                                 Thropy dan uang Pembinaan

D.  Sistem pertandingan
·         Sistim Pertandingan pada babak penyisihan adalah system gugur dengan 2 set kemenangan. Apabila kedudukan 1 - 1, maka set ketiga dimainkan sampai point 15 dan babak final adalah sistim gugur dengan 3 set kemenangan
·         Tim wajib membawa bola

E.  Tata Tertib
·         Pemain harus datang tepat waktu jika sampai batas waktu yang di tentukan belum datang maka dinyatakan gugur.
·         Manager/official/pemain di larang bertindak kasar dengan kata-kata isyarat terhadap manager / official pemain, wasit, panitia dan petugas lainnya.
·         Dilarang saling mengolok antar pemain / sporter, memancing gaduh, memancing keributan dan mengganggu jalannya pertandingan
·         Keputusan wasit tidak bisa diganggu gugat
·         Panitia berhak menghentikan permainan apabila terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan.

Kamis, 16 November 2017

SOAL Latihan UAS Kurikulum 2013 revisi Kls 7 SMT 1

                         Excercise of Semster Final Test

Subject           : English
Class               : VII (Seven)
Term/Year      : 1/2017-2018

Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

1.       Teacher    : Good morning, class!
Students   : ................, Sir!
Teacher    : How are you?
Students   : We are fine, thank you.
Teacher    : All right for today lesson we are going to learn about greeting and introduction
         A. Good afternoon                     C. Good luck             
B. Good bye                                D. Good morning

2.       Joni           : How are you, Sir?
Mr. Umar : I’m feeling great, thank you. And you?
Joni           :.............. Thank you, Sir.
A. Yes, sure                                  C, I’m fine too.            
B. we are ok                 D. She is fine thanks.

3.       Andi         : Can I borrow your pencil?
Sani          : Sure here it is.
Andi         : Thank you.
Sani          :  .................
A. I’m Sorry                                C. Thank you             
B. Don’t mention it                    D. I’m fine

4.       Mother     :  Rosi, did you break the glass?
Rosi          :  Yes, I did mom. I terribly sorry for this.
Mother     :  ................, next time try to be more careful
A. I am sorry too                        C. Thank you      
B. That’s all right darling         D. Don’t mention it

This text is for the question 5 to 7

Teacher    : Now Each of you need to introduce yourself. All right Edo can you try please.
Edo          : Hello, my name is Edo.I am twelve years old.I am a student of SMP Negeri 10 Sukabumi. I live in Nyomplong.I like swimming and reading books.My favorite color is green.My favorite food is fried rice.Nice to meet you.
Teacher   : ............(7)

5.       Based on the text above How old is Edo? He is ...........
A. 12 years old                     C.  17 years old                          
B. 14 years old                      D.13 years old

6.       Each of you need to introduce yourself.
What is the meaning of the underlined word.
A. Perkenalan                          C. kenalin                                
B. Memperkenalkan diri         D. dikenalkan

7.       What is the best expression to fill out number (7)?
A. I am happy                            C. I am not really well       
B. Nice to meet you too           D. Thank you is a chart of DAYS. Have a look at the chart and answer the questions.

8.       What is the day before Saturday?  It is................
A. Sunday                          C. Friday                    
B. Tuesday                         D. Saturday

9.       Anwar      : What month comes after August?
Susi          : I am not sure.  I think it is March.
Ahmad     :No,  you are not right But it is ............
A. January                         C. December              
B. February                       D. September

This text below is for question number 10 and 11

My name is Rina. R - i - n – a. I am a student. I go to SMP in Sukabumi. I was born in Palembang on 30th December 2002. I live at Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 15. My phone number is 018520000981. I like jogging, bicycling, and listening to music. My Parents’ names are Mr. Helmi Yahya and Mrs. YoanaPataya. I have one brother and two sisters. They are Dandi, Dina and Mandalika. My blood type is A. You can e-mail me at  I am in VII F.

10.    Based on the text above how many siblings does Rina have?
She has ......... siblings.
A. Three            B. Two             C. Four          D. five

11.    What are Rina’s hobbies? Her hobbies are . . .
A. Jogging, swimming, and listening music
B. Jogging, painting, and swimming
C. Jogging, bicycling, and  listening music
D. Jogging, bicycling, and painting

Full Name            : Prilly Salsabila
Date of Birth       : 25th August 2001
Address                : Jl. Surya kencana No. 25Sukabumi
School                  : SMP PEMUDA
Dream                  : Athlete
Hobby                  : Basket Ball
Hight                    : 155 cm
Weight                  : 40 kg
 Artist                    : Alliando Syarif
Food                     : Noodles
Drink                    : Avocado Juice

12.    How old is Prilly now?
A. 17             B. 13                  C. 15               D. 14

13.    How tall is she ?
A. one hundred and fifty five centimeters         
B. One hundred and forty four centimeters
C. One hundred and four centimeters                
D. One hundred and forty five centimeters

14.    The similar meaning of hobby is . . .
 A. interest        B. popular        C. want          D. Love
15.    What is Prilly’s favourite beverage?
A. Lemon juice                        C. Avocado juice
B. lemon Tea                           D. Apple Juice

16.    Observe the picture! How many giraffes can you see in the picture?
A. One giraffe                         C. Three giraffes        
B. Two giraffes                       D. Four giraffes

17.    This animal lives in the sea and has tentacles. What animal is it?
A. Fish                                     C. Octopus                 
B. star fish                               D. Spring ray fish

This text below is for the question 18, 19.
Fatimah is my sister, she is a . ... . (18). She works in a .....(19).....of  Sukabumi city. She assists the doctors in doing the job. She always looks very happy in her white uniform.

18.    A. Patient         B. Doctor         C. Midwife          D. Nurse

19.     A. Zoo             B. Hospital      C. Post office       D. Police station

Things in Budi’s bag

20.    How many sharpeners does Budi have?
A. Thirteen       B. Two             C. Three         D. Four

21.    Budi needs . . . to remove his wrong writing.
A. Eraser           B. Ruler           C. Pencil        D. Pen

22.    How many things in Budi’s bag?
A. Twelve        B. six               B. Thirteen      D. twenty six

Observe the dialogue below and answer the question 23 and 24.
Father      : Vit, can you help me, please?
Vita          : Yes, dad.
Father      : Can you get me the newspaper.
Vita          : Where is it?
Father      : Emm. May be it’s on the table.
Vita          : Yes, I got it.
Father      : Thanks for helping me.
Vit           : It’s ok dad. Don’t worry, anytime.

23.    In the text above Vita is........... girl. She is ready to help her father anytime.
A. diligent                                 C. Beautiful      B.energetic                                D. Smart

24.    How many characters are there in the dialogue above?
A. Two             B. One             C. Three          D. Four

25.    Girl  : Pass me the chili sauce, please.
Boy  :  . . . . 
 A. That’s nice                            C. No, thanks    
 B. Never mind                           D. Here you are


This text below is for question number 26 and 27.

These are the things I want to buy
Ø  Some celery
Ø  1 ounce garlic
Ø  1 ounce onion
Ø  1 kg chicken
Ø  ¼ kg carrot
Ø  ¼ kg tomato
Ø  1 pack salt

26.    How much garlic does the writer want to buy?


27.    From the text above we know that the writer probably wants to cook…

This text below is for question number 28 and 29.

Mrs. Dina
Mrs. Dina is my aunt. She is an English teacher at SMPN 13 Bandung. She is 35 years old. She is tall and beautiful. She has round eyes, and a pointed nose. She has straight hair. Her hair is fairly black. She has white skin. She is very smart. She is also very diligent and patient. She is never angry to her student. She is a kind teacher and we love her very much.

28.    What is Mrs. Dina?


29.    How old is she?


30.    Rearrange the following words into correct sentence based on the text above



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